
Life Celebration Ministries is a government recognized religious denomination that has the authority to grant licensing to individuals in Ontario to legally solemnize marriages. We are currently only able to grant licensing to people living in the province of Ontario. We are moving towards government recognizing in other provinces in the near future. Here are a few things to know about licensing with LCM:

  • We do not restrict licensing to people who have a theological degree, rather we are looking for passion, ability and giftedness as the criteria.
  • We licence both men and women.
  • All candidates are required to be in agreement with our faith and value statements.
  • Every candidate is required to attend our two-day training session. We understand that people do have experience, however it is mandatory for licensing with LCM.
  • Everyone is required to pay an annual membership and licensing fee.
  • All clergy must remain active in order to maintain licensing with LCM.