life celebration ministries
At LCM we have developed a specific training program for three specific areas of life transition and celebration. The three areas are; Wedding Ceremonies, Celebration of Life Services/Funerals and New Life Celebrations.
We believe that each life transition/celebration is so unique that it requires specific training and certification. No single training program is capable of offering the tools necessary for such diverse celebrations.
We do not offer online certification. Our process is based on a combined class room and hands-on approach. We require each trainee to observe one of our facilitators in consultation and in performing an actual ceremony.
All trainees are required to complete all the necessary steps of observation before they can move on to performing a celebration.
Each trainee is required to fulfill all the requirements of training and certification as it relates to their area if interest.
Each trainee is required to sign a code of conduct.
We believe that each Life Celebration is unique and requires a tremendous amount of flexibility on behalf the Celebrant. To that end it is our belief that all trainees need to have a grasp of the cultural norms in our society as it relates to faith practices and principles. Although many Life Celebrations do not include religious content a persons faith heritage still plays a significant role in ceremony styles and choices.
Our training is very practical. As seasoned Life Celebration Specialists we have many years of experience. We tell lots of stories and share lots of helpful tips on how to be the best. We are not text book focused we are life focused. We are active celebrants every day. It is our life and our passion. We train from this perspective.